Young Professionals

The Young Professionals group is under the AlabamaGermany Partnership umbrella. The age requirement is 17 to 39. Its members are interns, co-op, or employees of either an Alabama-Germany company or institution. This also includes college students and graduate students studying German language, international business, science, and engineering. The group promotes international education, individual career development with Alabama-German companies, and progressive business and engineering topics.
The Alabama Germany Partnership Young Professionals organization seeks to foster strong intercultural networking opportunities and relationships, personal and professional development and provide an easy going place to socialize and engage in like-minded ambitious individuals. For any questions you might have about this group please contact our office. Join AGP Young Professionals mailing list.
Please meet the Young Professionals Leadership Group:
- Alexis Esneault, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
- Viktoria Gryska, JamisonMoneyFarmer
- Andre L. Kairies, Heiche U.S. Surface Technologies (AL)
- Natalie Kordt, Global Business Consulting
- Joseph Lulka, Mercedes-Benz U.S. International, CHAIR
- Griffin O’Connor, Opelika Economic Development
- Zia Tahmaseb, AlabamaGermany Partnership
- Lena Ward, Adah International, LLC
- Jan Zimehl, Ingenics Corporation USA
“I learn more about the future of Alabama-Germany business, it’s people, culture, and education in these quarterly meetings, than I do all the other days of the year combined. It’s a safe, multi-cultural environment to not only learn about new ideas, but also exchange and promote our own.” Kirk Atkinson, President, Adah International
“Others and I attended the first meetings of the Young Professional Group and it is just amazing how this at first small group surprised itself by growing so quickly. It is a pleasure to meet and greet new talent at each event from different backgrounds – manufacturing, distribution, service just to name a few. This group can be equally important for established professionals as well as young talent. Young talent may meet a future employer; established professionals may meet future co-workers. Just like everything in life – it’s what you make out of it!” Daniel Dueren
“The Alabama Germany Partnership provides an exceptional opportunity for individuals to exchange ideas, participate in diverse events as well as share common interest in US and German culture. I am excited to be a member of this unique organization and look forward to its future success.” Felix Faerber, Baker Donelson