German Lessons

Many Irish online casino players have begun to learn German, as Germany has been the largest investor in the last 2 decades. Germany has the fifth largest economy in the world and is the largest economy in Europe, which allows Irish players to playing online casinos with a deposit of only 10 euro to start. In addition, about 95 million people speak German as their first language and the same number as their second or third, among which many are just the same online casino players.
Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Have you ever wondered “why learn German”?
V poslední době se mnoho hráčů v neterapay casino začalo učit německy, aby zvýšili své šance na výhru. Jazyková bariéra může být pro některé překážkou, ale pro jiné je tato výzva motivující. Učení se novému jazyku bylo v hráčských kruzích vždy považováno za výhodu, protože dává hráčům výhodu nad jejich soupeři. Personál kasin rád pomůže každému, kdo potřebuje pomoc s jazykem, a mnoho kasin nabízí kurzy německé gramatiky a slovní zásoby. Němčina je jedním z nejrozšířenějších jazyků v Evropě a je úředním jazykem Rakouska, Švýcarska a Lichtenštejnska. Pro mnoho hráčů v kasinech je proto užitečné znát základy tohoto jazyka. Učit se německy může být užitečné i v případě, že doufáte, že některou z těchto zemí někdy v budoucnu navštívíte. Může být obtížné porozumět lidem, pokud nemluvíte jejich rodným jazykem, ale s trochou cviku si budete moci užít spoustu zábavy při hraní kasinových her v němčině!
Germany is one of the top investors in Alabama for the past 2 decades with more than 80 companies represented in Alabama. Germany has the fifth largest economy in the world (2018) and is Europe’s largest economy. Having German language skills on your CV can help your career in so many ways. German is the eleventh most widely spoken language in the world. About 95 million speak German as a first language and just as many as a second or third language. Outside the EU, German is the third most taught foreign language.


Adam Martin
Auburn High School

Professional or Private German and English language instruction for individuals or groups on all levels, face-to-face or online.


Diana Hamby

German tutor in Birmingham


Dorothee Ehrhardt
University of South Alabama 

Professional or private German language instruction for individuals or groups on all levels> Tutoring students of all ages and language proficiency levels. Translating. Proofreading.


Evelyn Neunzig

Professional German language instruction for individuals or groups on all levels.


Brad Burckel

German tutoring in a fun and relaxed style.  Learn from an American who began studying German at age 21.  With 10 years experience teaching German at the university level.  Practical experience in culture and language.  Available in-person or online.

Zoom Sessions

Kathy Rogers

I’m a retired teacher with a master’s degree and over 30 years of experience making learning German accessible and fun! I have lived in Germany and have traveled to German-speaking countries as a Pan Am flight attendant.  Whether it’s individualized instruction, tutoring, or conversational practice, I’ll meet you where you’re at, and together we’ll design a plan that best fits your needs.

Please Email me to set up a complimentary Zoom session. I look forward to hearing from you! 

*Translation, interpretation, and proofreading services are also provided. 

Please note: AGP cannot assume any responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the persons or firms whose names appear on the lists nor do they constitute a recommendation by AGP.