The AGP creates an information network connecting German-language educators to individuals and businesses in Alabama. These connections promote language-learning resources and more, including awareness of what Alabamians can learn from the German system of education and its focus on apprenticeships and skills-based training.
The AGP supports business development between Alabama and Germany by encouraging direct investment, trade, and tourism. We serve as a facilitator between the two business cultures and foster awareness of the opportunities that Alabamians can find with German businesses and that German businesses can find here in Alabama.
The AGP bridges the gap between two cultures. Whether it’s celebrating Alabama’s German-cultural heritage or introducing German expats to a new lifestyle in Alabama, we work to build cultural awareness and understanding between cultures, including connections with cultural exchange programs.
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Ker se seznam igralnic v tej državi vsak dan dopolnjuje z novimi, se zdi, da bo v prihodnosti postala še bolj privlačno središče za spletne igralce iz vse Evrope. Zakaj torej ne bi poskusili in videli, za kaj se gre? Ne bo vam žal!
Za tiste, ki si želijo še boljšo izkušnjo v spletni igralnici, so v različnih igralnicah v Sloveniji na voljo tudi številne promocije in bonusi. Od brezplačnih vrtljajev na igralnih avtomatih do bonusov za dobrodošlico za nove igralce, ki vam lahko resnično pomagajo, da kar najbolje izkoristite svojo igralno izkušnjo in poskrbite za najboljše razmerje med ceno in kakovostjo.
Zato izkoristite te ponudbe in uživajte v vseh prednostih, ki jih ponuja igranje v spletnih igralnicah v Sloveniji.
Na splošno obstaja veliko razlogov, zakaj so slovenske online casino vse bolj priljubljene med igralci po vsem svetu. Zaradi liberalnih predpisov, privlačnega davčnega sistema in visokih standardov kakovosti storitev za stranke ni dvoma, da je to eno najboljših mest za varno in prijetno igralno izkušnjo. Zakaj torej ne bi poskusili še danes? Ne bo vam žal!
Ne glede na to, kakšno vrsto spletne igralnice iščete, Slovenija lahko vsakomur ponudi nekaj zase. Od klasičnih namiznih iger do sodobnih igralnih avtomatov - tu se za vsakogar najde nekaj. Poleg tega je zaradi liberalnih predpisov in privlačnega davčnega sistema jasno, zakaj toliko ljudi prihaja v to državo v iskanju nepozabne igralne izkušnje.
Če torej iščete edinstveno spletno igralniško izkušnjo, potem je Slovenija kot nalašč za vas! Uživajte v vseh vznemirljivih dogodivščinah, ki jih ponuja ta čudovita dežela - od visokokakovostnih storitev za stranke do radodarnih bonusov in promocij. Ker vam ponuja tako veliko, vam ne bo žal, da ste jo preizkusili!
AGP Board Members ONLY
Please plan to join our AGP Board Meeting. The meeting location will be shared via email.
Lunch is from 12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. followed by the meeting from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
The board meeting agenda and minutes will be uploaded to the Board Resource page and can be accessed with your email and board passcode a few days before the meeting.
Es gibt’s Stammtisch, wie an jedem Donnerstag, ab halb acht Uhr abends im Giuseppes Café, 925 Eighth St. South, 324-2626.
Kommt und seid lustig!
Bis dahin!
Euer David
EMAIL David for information:
Please note this is NOT an AGP event.
The information, date and time are shared to the best of our knowledge. If you plan to attend the event – please make sure to check information directly with the host of the event. Thank you!
NAITA Customs & Compliance Seminar with DSV & the Port of HSV
1000 Glenn Hearn Blvd.
AL 35824
2024 NAITA Customs & Compliance Seminar
November 13 | Seminar: 9am-4:30pm | Networking Lunch Included
at Four Points by Sheraton Huntsville International Airport
Followed by Tours of DSV with Cargo Plane & the International Intermodal Center at Port of Huntsville
The NAITA Customs & Compliance Seminar 2024 will provide best practices in creating an import compliance program to ensure that a company is mitigating its risks, as well as enhancing its competitive advantage. Understanding the classification process, the complex USMCA Rules of Origin, including Autos and Section 301 implications, and important developments in Forced Labor Enforcement are critical for compliance. Even minor mistakes in following import regulations can lead to severe consequences and penalties. Join us to learn actionable strategies to enhance customs and international trade practices.
Pete Mento, Commercial Director of Customs and International Trade at DSV is an accomplished economist and a renowned U.S. customs expert. As businesses navigate the complexities of an ever-evolving economic climate, Pete will share perspectives that can be directly applied to strategic decision-making. Attendees will not only gain a deeper understanding of economic dynamics but will also acquire practical knowledge that can be shared within their teams and organizations to stay ahead of the curve, make informed business decisions, and contribute to the success of their company in the dynamic global marketplace. Program highlights will include supply chain lessons learned during the pandemic, trade policy trends focused on technology, aerospace/defense, automotive, and the healthcare industry, and trade enforcement issues and policy changes that are happening around the world.
Our speaker will not only cover the mechanics of importing, including customs and compliance issues, but he will also make remarks about Technology, Trade, & the Global Economy: Supply Chain Lessons & Moving Forward. Originally scheduled to be our keynote speaker for the NAITA World Trade Day luncheon in May, Pete has agreed to join us in November to provide a full day seminar! Anyone involved in the supply chain process and importing products and components to the U.S. will benefit from this seminar. Company decision makers will also benefit from his extensive and strategic expertise on this topic.
As the Commercial Director of Customs and International Trade at DSV, Pete manages client-facing responsibilities for customs, consulting, and compliance services for the global transport and logistics provider. With over 30 years of experience in the field, he has developed a deep expertise in duty minimization, audit preparation and defense, and cargo security programs, helping clients save over $1 billion in duties, taxes, and fees throughout his career.
Following the Customs & Compliance Seminar, a special tour of DSV’s Huntsville facility and cargo plane and the Port of Huntsville’s International Intermodal Center will be available.
This seminar has been approved by the NCBFAA for 6.5 hours of CCS/CES credits.
Register by November 7 for Early Bird Discounts (applied automatically):
NAITA Members $45 and Potential Members $75
Join NAITA Today for Member Pricing & Membership Through 2025!
Please join MLC at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa and the German Program for a talk with Joseph Lulka who will share how learning a language helped him advance his career.
Joseph Lulka is an engineer at Mercedes-Benz U.S. International (MBUSI) in Vance. He currently works as a Buildability Engineer in MBUSI’s SUV factory, performing root cause analysis to resolve issues affecting vehicles’ quality.
He is Chair of the Alabama Germany Partnership’s Young Professional Group, which organizes social and professional events to showcase German industry in the state and cultivate cultural understanding between Germans and Alabamians.
Joseph received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alabama and learned German through an exchange at the Hochschule Esslingen in Germany. He is also fluent in French, having attended high school at the Lycée Pérochon in France.